Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Homework Questions

How many kilobytes in a megabyte? 1024
How many kilobytes in a gigabyte? 1024*1024
How many megabytes in 4 terabytes?1024*1024*4
How many bits in a petabyte?8*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024
What is base-10, 2 and 16? Base 10 is denary numbers, base 2 is decimal and base 16 is hex.
Where is hex used and why? Hex is used as a more easy to read binary system as it only uses two characters for an 8-bit number rather than 8.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Computing Zero Punctuation Keywords

My homework on the keywords in the style of 'Zero Punctuation' (click here if you are unaware). Enjoy.